sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2008

a menina que contava histórias

11 comentários:

namesconnie disse...

Nice artwork here. You are lucky you can draw like that. I enjoyed viewing this.

TD disse...

I love how the foot is turned inward, as if she's uncomfortable while her face lingers in confidence.

Juan disse...

Great illustration Martina!

soulbrush disse...

wow there's a lot going on in her little head.

Rowena disse...

great story. I love it.

Anônimo disse...

beautiful storytelling - and beautiful picture!

Deb G disse...

I really like how you did this. So much in such a little space :)

krisztina maros disse...

simply and perfect!

Anônimo disse...

This is so simple, but so very eloquent! What a really perfect illustration for the topic!

Sarall disse...

Great illo! I admire how well did you solved graphically the telling-a-story action.

Unknown disse...

Nossa, fiquei um tempo sem vir aqui e tem tanta coisa linda!!!

Acho que essa menina sou eu... rsrsrsrs!

Lindas as últimas ilustrações. adorei!